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This user uses SWViewer to revert vandalism.
Z Wikicytatów, wolnej kolekcji cytatów

This user has created a global account. This user's main account is on Wikipedia (Korean).
160,000+This user has made over 160,000 contributions to Wikimedia projects.
Ten użytkownik jest globalnym administratorem. (sprawdź)
This user is an administrator on the Korean Wikipedia. (verify·CA)
Ten użytkownik jest administratorem w projekcie Korean Wikisource. (sprawdź)
This user has rollback rights on the English Wikipedia. (verify en)
This user has rollback rights on Wikimedia Commons. (verify)
This user is a patroller on Meta-Wiki. (verify)
This user has autopatrolled rights on Wikimedia Commons.Wikimedia Commons
User language
ko-N 이 사용자는 한국어모어입니다.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
ja-1 この利用者は初級日本語ができます。
Ten użytkownik jest członkiem Zespołu Monitorującego Małe Wiki.
Ten użytkownik korzysta z SWViewer do wycofywania wandalizmów.
This user chats on Discord.
Users by language


I am kowiki user, and majoring in medicine. I mainly edit pages about medicine at kowiki. As SMWT, I am using SWViewer to find out and revert vandalism and spam of small wikis, commons, wikidata, kowiki, and enwiki mainly. Nice to meet you!

Here is my user page of kowiki: w:ko:사용자:LR0725. When you want to say something to me, you can use my meta talk page, or, here is my user talk page of kowiki: w:ko:사용자토론:LR0725. Or you can contact me at Discord. I am at English Wikipedia Discord channel.

I can understand English and Japanese, but as I am not so good at Japanese, I can sometimes reply with English when you asked with Japanese. Trying to learn more. Thank you!

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